Bodies of Water

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Welcome, I am so glad you’re here!  Thank you for sharing your curiosity in exploring this practice. Please reach out with questions or to introduce yourself. I am excited to share this work with you! 

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a modality that spans the living experience - welcoming in connections and expressions of the physical, emotional, and spirited body. This work acts as a tapestry, supporting your relationship to how these elements are woven together, reflect each other, and are all alive parts of you.  In this work, I hold a space that helps you in your practice of attuning to the feelings, sensations, and patterns that you experience in your body. In this practice, I also offer tools that can guide you in connecting to your wholeness, boundaries, and aliveness. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy sessions are held with deep attunement and welcoming of wide ranges of experiences. This work is subtle and powerful, gentle and transformative.